Sexual Harassment

Are You a Victim of Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is unacceptable, but it has been an unfortunate presence in the workplace for decades. And despite strong anti-harassment laws, sexual harassment still occurs all too frequently. No one should have to suffer through the indignity, fear and emotional trauma that sexual harassment can cause.

The phrase “sexual harassment” encompasses any/all behaviors that are sexual in some way, and make you feel unsafe while working or unable to participate fully in the work place. Sexual harassment can take many forms ranging from very subtle to grotesquely overt. A person can be a victim of sexual harassment on the job without anyone ever touching them.

Sexual harassment may occur between those with and without authority in a workplace or between equals. Harassment may occur between people of different sexes or between people of the same sex. In some cases, harassment can even occur by customers or clients.

Common examples of sexual harassment in the workplace include:

  • Unwelcome sexual advances
  • Requests for sexual favors in exchange for promotions or raises, insinuation that providing sexual favors will help advance one’s career, and/or demands for sexual favors with threats of reprisal
  • Inappropriate touching
  • Sexual jokes, gossip, conduct or comments
  • Displaying sexually suggestive pictures and objects
  • Leering, whistling or sexual gestures

All of these situations create a disturbing or hostile work environment that threatens an individual’s career advancement, as well as their ability to work conscientiously. Your employer should not permit any of the foregoing to occur in the workplace.

Many employees are afraid of speaking up, but state and federal laws prohibit employers from taking any negative actions toward you if you complain about harassment.

We Can Help You Assert Your Rights

Advocating for yourself when you have been victimized by sexual harassment can be extremely challenging. Our attorneys have been standing up for victims of sexual harassment for decades and are very familiar with the personal and legal challenges employees face.

If sexual conduct at work is making you feel uncomfortable and/or unable to perform your best, contact us for a free, confidential consultation. We can sort out whether harassment, discrimination or retaliation is occurring, if the occurrences are actionable, and determine the best strategy for you to combat it.

When you need powerful representation in a sexual harassment complaint, our attorneys are here for you.

Experiencing sexual harassment on the job?