What Our Clients Say

At Regan Strom, we measure our success by how well we serve the individuals who need our help. We fight hard to protect the rights of our clients and secure the justice they deserve. These are just some of our clients’ success stories.

  • “Jeff’s honest, persuasive litigation strategy earned my trust…”

    “I worked with Jeff as a class representative facing my former employer and Jeff was always available to address my questions and concerns when I needed to make significant and difficult decisions. His sensitivity and honest, persuasive litigation strategy earned my trust and eventually prevailed!”

    – Ashley, client

  • “John Regan is great…”

    “John Regan is great. He helped me out big time with an employment issue I had and got it resolved extremely quickly and professionally. I highly recommend him to anyone who needs legal help. Thanks, John!”

    – Omar, client

  • “I highly recommend [Regan Strom] for anyone having employee rights issues…”

    “John and Jay were great! They kept me informed on a regular basis and answered all of my questions without hesitation. The case took a couple of years, and they never stopped fighting for the employees. I would highly recommend them for anyone having employee rights issues.”

    – Laurita, client

  • “Compassionate, thorough, realistic and hard working…”

    “Great team of professionals who are compassionate, thorough, realistic and hard working. I highly recommend this dedicated law firm.”

    – Cynthia, client

  • “Jeff Strom is one of the most kind, understanding and professional people I have ever met…”

    “Jeff is one of the most kind, understanding and professional people I have ever met. He is a compassionate listener and he does what he says he will do. I just can’t say enough about what an overall amazing human being Jeff is. I highly recommend Jeffrey Strom if you need legal representation.”

    – Jennifer, client

  • “I highly recommend John Regan if you’re searching for an employment attorney…”

    “I would highly recommend John Regan if you’re searching for an employment attorney. John’s calm demeanor can put you at ease during stressful times. He is fair and professional, and takes the time to explain things that are new to those outside the legal profession.”

    – Elizabeth, client

  • “An amazing attorney…”

    “I have referred so many people to Jeff Strom because I believe he’s an amazing attorney and human being. Whatever Jeff works on, he will crush it not only because he works so hard, but because he has compassion for his clients and treats them and fights for them like family.”

    – Colleen, client

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    Aggressive representation that gets results.